Meet Dr. Cynthia Colón
"My rising senior has never had a dream school. This course has not only given her the confidence to claim one but more importantly, the desire to build a college list that she can be very proud of! I highly recommend the DCA and Essay Camp combination!. Dr. Colon, through the modules, individualized assistance, and amazing guest speakers, will make an impact on your child that is well worth the investment!"
~ Tricia, Parent Class of 2021

Wouldn’t It Be Great If Someone Took The Confusion Out Of The College Admission Process
...and handed your family a clear path on how to get admitted to multiple dream colleges? Imagine the weight taken off your plate.
It’s possible! Hi there! I’m “Dr. C,” a college admission expert. I’ve been helping families successfully navigate the college admission process from start to finish for 20 years.
Without knowing where to get a college application or how to apply for financial aid, my mother made one decision 30 years ago that changed the trajectory of my life; she asked for help. Mom and I drove up the 110 freeway in the brown Oldsmobile to meet Mr. Vargas. His guidance of exactly what to do AND how to do it, set us both up for success. After graduating from USC, I earned a Master's degree from Columbia University, and then became the first in our extended family to earn a doctorate degree from UCLA.
Today, I work with families from across the country, at every grade level, and from every walk of life, but the parents have one thing in common; a dream of a happy future for their child. Period.
I think of David’s parents who found me when David was junior. He had all the right Academic Qualities (grades, test scores, and Honors/APs) and was involved in school, had summer jobs and internships.
David had big dreams of where he wanted to attend college but didn’t know what his “Coolness” factor was, how he would convey his personal story, and most of all, he needed to select a major and create a solid list of colleges.
After following my system, putting in the work, and following my suggestions every step of the way. David was admitted to nearly every college he applied, including, Cornell, Boston College, Georgetown, and Northwestern - where he chose to attend.
If you are like David’s parents, you know this process is confusing, complicated, and competitive. And, if you are like my mother, you might just realize, it’s time to ask for help. We are here to guide you through each step, champion your teen’s dreams, and cheer on the entire family to the end!

In the Media
"Our son started with Dr. Colon as a sophomore in high school. We met with her as a family to get an assessment and a game plan together as to how he could maximize his opportunities for college admissions. We could tell by our first meeting that she was sincere and a motivator for our son! She saw his potential and took it to another level. Now as a senior, he has attended two essay camps, as well as, Dream College Academy to help with applications and scholarship information. He is applying to 16 schools and she has made the process transparent and seamless. He is more confident in his writing and he can effectively put his thoughts on paper because of her invaluable experience and knowledge. We are forever grateful for her guidance and positive outlook during these unprecedented times of college admissions."
~ Roxanne, Parent of Class of 2021
Wondering Which Path Is Right For Your Student? Schedule A FREE Call With Dr. Cynthia.
One of your biggest jobs as a parent is to maximize your teen’s college choices. Period. When you have a teen who has big dreams and is doing everything “right,” the last thing you want to do is get this wrong.
Most parents cannot walk the fine line of being the loving parent and the college counselor that can both motivate and hold them accountable. If you are looking for a coach to give your teen a personalized action plan and make dreams come true, well my friend, that would make you the hero! Space is limited. Book a consultation today - your first step in the right direction!