College Spotlight: University of Michigan
Apr 12, 2023
I have been to a Michigan football game and there is honestly nothing like it. My heart is with the Trojans – but I admit – even having been there on a rainy day – “The Big HOUSE” is amazing. A sea of Maize and Blue - The cheers and coordinated waves literally shake the “big house.” The student section is packed with students. I took one look at the bleacher seating and thought “there is not enough room for all of us to sit.” Well -- Far be it from me to judge – I did not sit for even one minute. I would not want to be the opposing team in this house. But – enough about football – I want to give you some cool facts about Michigan that you might not know.
With more than 50 national championships in 12 spots – the Wolverines are a force to be reckoned with in Division 1 collegiate sports. With that said – what is worth writing down is this:
- Noteworthy: More than 250 Michigan graduates have served as legislators as either a United States Senator (40 graduates) or as a Congressional representative.
- Notable alumni; Lucy Liu, Selma Blair, and though she did not graduate - Madonna is also a Wolverine
- AND – U.S. president Gerald Ford – also a Wolverine!
Michigan is not just all about football. There are a total of 16 acapella groups:
- 2 all male
- 4 all female
- 10 co-ed groups
Amazin' Blue is the University of Michigan's oldest and only university-sponsored co-ed a cappella ensemble. Founded in 1987, AB has produced 15 studio albums, performed around the nation, and is the most decorated a cappella group at U of M. Their name is a pun on the University of Michigan's colors, maize and blue... get it?
You can watch Amazin' Blue on YouTube – including their performance in the ICCA finals in New York City.
My very good friend, Sheetal, was a member of AB and she shared her favorite memory -
We would go to an outdoor spot called the Arcade and would do impromptu, casual performances for anyone that wanted to show up and listen. We were a popular group at the time, with consistently sold out shows, so a random arcade sing was a treat for us, as well as for students passing by on the street. Loved this tradition!
The cool thing about the acapella groups is that it reminds me that – even in what can seem like an athletic dominated place -- there IS something for everyone. That – my friends – is the beauty of a LARGE university.
DO NOT LET YOUR preconceived notions about a school determine whether you visit or not – if you are already in the area or close enough – do it – take the leap and hear what they have to say and ask questions. It may not be for you –but you don’t want to miss out if in fact what the admission office offers the “Perfect Pitch.”
OK – let us end with the Admission Numbers
- Total Student Body of: over 51,000!
- Applicants: more than 84,000 for the 21-22 school year and admit 20% - this is very selective for a large public university. You’ve got to bring your best to the table – for sure!
Deadline: February 1