Setting your teen up for Senior Year Success!!
May 10, 2023
Every morning it’s the same, crazy, chaotic firedrill: Your kids test your patience, moving as slowly as possible to get ready and to get out of the house on time. Did everyone eat breakfast? Do you have your homework? Your athletic equipment? Who’s picking you up? What time are you done with rehearsal/ practice / tutoring etc? Then you hurry off to carpool, drop-offs.
Sound familiar? You’ve moved mountains all before 8am. Exhaustion sets in about 9am.
Now I want you to picture the night before or the night of – when the college application is due. Whether it’s’ your teen’s DREAM college or the college they’re counting on to getting admitted to, either way – you do NOT want to be running around like a fire drill. That is not what I want for you.
Listen – wherever you are in your college admission journey – you definitely want to have a plan. I’m here coach and cheer you along the way. Because - when it comes to college application process – there are no do – overs. This process happens once. That’s the good news and that’s the bad news. So we’ve to get you a plan. Cool? Cool.
Parents – I don’t want you to get to November and feel rushed, feel like a nagging parent, and find yourself with a teenager who is having a melt down and hitting send at 11:50pm just before the final deadline.
No. Nope. Not on my watch.
Today’s episode will set you up for success.
My mom used to say, “Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today.”
Click on the link to the podcast below and you will learn the exact checklist of what you cannot afford to put off until tomorrow. If you are a rising senior or a parent of one – this episode is for you. And if you happen to be younger, well consider yourself lucky for hearing this information now, you’ll only be more prepared when your time comes. It is never too early to start checking off your Pre-Senior Year Checklist!!
On this episonde you will learn about the importance of having a 4-year college admission plan
You will leave with tips on what to do prior to senior tear and how to prepare if you’re just getting started!