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Dr. Cynthia Colon is the leading National College Admission Expert

  • TEDx Speaker
  • Best Selling Author of Be Committed. Get Admitted.
  • Featured on 9 Television Networks including: KTLA, WPIX, WGN, NBC Chicago
  • Worked with over 10K students from 20+ states
  • Former College Admission Officer at Vassar College And Private School Counselor

Students Aren't Rejected, Applications Are!

5 Mistakes Students Make When Applying To College

Relies on Grades Alone

TRUTH: 60% or more of every applicant pool are all equally academically qualified. Good grades alone will NOT guarantee admission to choice colleges.

Writes about Athletics or Community Service

Athletics, Community Service, and the 3 Ds: Death, Divorce, and Devastation are more common than you think. Without proper guidance, these are topics to avoid.

Waits Until Fall To Get Started

I have found that you give a teenager 5 months, 5 weeks, or 5 days, that is how long they will take to get something done. Get help and get it done!

Applies To The Wrong List Of Colleges

The ONLY goal is to maximize CHOICES. Our 30-40-30 Rule allows for "Reach, Target, and Likely" colleges so that students are set up for success.

Believing College Admissions Is Fair.

Colleges discriminate based on what students choose to communicate. What is written gets reviewed, what is not submitted is omitted from review. Let that sink in.

In Order To Succeed You've Got To...

Uncover Who You Are

What you do, becomes the resume. WHY you do it, becomes the essay.  Finding clarity on the WHY takes focused time.

Establish Writing Status

Writing is a key component to offer evidence of readiness for the rigors of college and convince the reader that  to vote to admit.

Create Focused Stories

The essay reveals something I cannot find ANYWHERE else in the application. It is THE story only YOU can write.

For Over 20 Years, Our Method Is Teen-Proofed And Battle Tested.


In just 5 days, College Essay Bootcamp gets applicants to complete the most overwhelming pieces of the college application without any homework or nagging.

In Essay Bootcamp You Will...

Explore and Grow

The number of possible essay topics are infinite. Within the first 90 minutes of class, students have a list of at least 12 topics!

Complete Compelling Essays

Interesting, engaging and compelling stories take several drafts that are all completed in the 5-Day Bootcamp.

Gain Confidence

The first two days are a bit fuzzy, but by day four, students gain swagger. They leave confident knowing they've put in 110%! 

Essay Bootcamp Schedule:

Morning: Brainstorm, Draft, Draft Again.

  • Within 90-minutes, students have brainstormed at least 12 topics. Our 3-Step Writing formula helps them complete 6-8 mini drafts. 

Afternoon: Begin Common Application

  • There are only 10 spots to list co-curricular activities. With limited character count, we teach students how to maximize that space in a compelling way.

Morning: Draft #2 and Show vs. Tell.

  • The Instagram lesson leads to applying the “so what” test. Students then confidently select four topics to continue drafting with guided instruction.

Afternoon: Begin th University of California Application

  • There are 6 categories and up to 20 entries for the co-curricular section on the UC application. With limited word count, we teach students which activities to highlight, which activities to add, and how to make sure every word in the description adds value. 

Morning: Drill Down The Core Story

  • After 20 years with essay campers, we know THIS is their favorite day. Using our Jump-Into-Action template students can simplify the core story in a way that keeps the reader engaged from start to finish.

Afternoon: Supplemental Essays

  • Nearly every college on the Common Application has as few as 1-2 extra essays and as many as 5-7 supplemental essays. Students learn the four types and how to answer each type. 

Morning: Write Clear, Concise and Grammatically Correct Essays.

  • Today is all about drafting and crafting essays to have a clear message for the reader. Students have typically completed 1-2 essays and are working on 1-2 more.

Afternoon: Extra Space and Information for the UC Application.

  • Wondering where to add information about a low grade, why you couldn’t take that extra AP course? Today is all about how to leverage every space in the UC application. 

Morning: Wrap It Up And Tie It With A Bow.

  • We call this last day the “Nuts On The Sundae” day for two reasons: first, the famous McDonalds essay perfectly demonstrates a simple essay about a part-time job and the thread of the nuts on the sundae throughout the essay is genius. Second, once camp is over, we say, go eat a huge ice cream sundae!

Afternoon: Graduation Begins no later than 1pm

  • Short ceremony to congratulate students. They leave with huge smiles and a ton of confidence ready to take on the world!

Student Profile:

  • Self-motivated with a desire to tackle this mostly on your own, with a coach for 1 completed essay.
  • Applying to public and private colleges that require 1-2 college essays each.
  • Are you motivated to give 100%? This was made for you!

Essay Bootcamp Success Stories:

“Always an achiever, Will struggled with promoting himself in college essays. Dr C’s writing methodology gave Will the tools he needed to identify his strengths and accomplishments, then present them through stories that were uniquely his own. Rather than dreading the essay writing process, he became excited to see the progress made on each revision as his essays went from good to “Wow!” Whether your student has their sights set on an elite level school or is simply struggling with how to best present themselves in a college application, College Essay Bootcamp is the answer. Best decision ever!!”

Leanne H., Parent Class of 2020 - Huntington Beach, CA - Will, UCLA, Class of 2024 

Student Profile:

  • Are applying to colleges that admit 40% or fewer of their applicant pool.
  • Are applying to a combination of Common App colleges and Non-CA Public universities.
  • Will need one main personal statement and 3-5 additional essays.
  • Want feedback at every step of the writing process.

Essay Bootcamp Success Stories:

“It was overwhelming to have two sons navigate the college admission process, one as a transfer student and the other as a senior. Dr. Colón process focused on finding their superpower and then writing about it with intention and gave them a roadmap to getting the essays done!  In just 5 days, they took ownership of their application journey and felt empowered. I noticed that as the week went on and more essays were written the dread turned into accomplishment.  I am grateful to have had Dr. Colón as a support for my boys.”

Veronica R., Parent Class of 2020 and 2022

USC Marshall School of Business - Roman 2024

USC Marshall School of Business - Julio 2026 - Half Moon Bay CA

Student Profile:

  • Applying to the most competitive UC campuses.
  • Applying to Top 100 colleges, that admit under 30%, and receive between 50-150K applications.
  • Applying to between 10 - 18 colleges that require main essays and multiple supplemental essays.
  • Like a structured environment (LIVE or Zoom) with specific instruction, in-class writing exercises, and personalized feedback.
  • Want an assigned essay coach to talk to at every step of camp.
  • Want access to an essay coach in the fall.

Essay Bootcamp Success Stories:

“Dr. Colón truly believed in my college dreams. Through Dream College Academy, College Essay Bootcamp and private coaching with Dr. C, I learned to craft my activities, academic endeavors, curiosities, and passions into a cohesive narrative and persuasively articulated my vision of my future to each college. Dr. Colón provided admission secrets, essay writing tips, and gems for resumé building that I would not have received without her. ”

Janah R. Class of 2022 - Chicago, IL - Princeton, Class of 2026

Level Up Your College Essay Game With Our College Essay Bootcamp Packages. Choose the One That Fits You Best!

40+ Winning Essays To Top 100 Colleges


For The Motivated Student Applying To Top 25 Colleges

You will read full essays of students who have been admitted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Brown, Cornell,  U Penn, U Chicago, Northwestern, Rice, Air Force Academy, Georgetown, Notre Dame, NYU, Howard, USC, UCLA, Berkeley, U Michigan, U Virginia, and so many more!!


Need a Kick Starter?

$197 (Total Value $10K)

Increase Chances by 20-40%

Stop Procrastinating!

Save Time:

  • From Brainstorm to 4 Drafted Essays in 90 Minutes!
  • Guided Writing Exercise From Admission Expert.
  • Building a Repetorie of 4-6 Essays To Rinse and Repeat

What you get:

  • The Exact Writing Formula We Offer In Day One of Essay Camp (10K Value)



Stop Overthinking the Essay!

$997(Total Value $45K)

Increase Chances by 50-70%

  • Stop Overthinking the Essay

Save Time:

  • From Brainstorm To 4 Drafted Essays In 90 Minutes!
  • Guided Writing Exercise From Admission Expert
  • Build a Repetorie of 4-6 Essays to Rince & Repeat

What You Get:

  • The Exact 5-Step Essay Camp Training (39K Value)
  • 2X Personalized Feedback (2K Value)
  • 4 Group Sessions With Dr. Colon (4K Value)
Buy Essay Camp On-Demand Now!

“Dr. C’s bootcamp was a life-saver. I knew I was a motivated student but writing was never my forte, and I definitely needed some guidance. After five days with the awesome team, I left the camp with SEVEN essays and felt more confident in knowing how to write for college applications. Throughout her process I learned so much about myself and how to express that through my applications, as well. Everything I learned in this camp helped me get to where I am now!”

Jules C., Class of 2021 - Mt. Kisco, NY - Cornell University, Class of 2025

Level Up Your College Essay Game With Our College Essay Bootcamp Packages. Choose the One That Fits You Best!

40+ Winning Essays To Top 100 Colleges


For The Motivated Student Applying To Top 25 Colleges

You will read full essays of students who have been admitted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Brown, Cornell,  U Penn, U Chicago, Northwestern, Rice, Air Force Academy, Georgetown, Notre Dame, NYU, Howard, USC, UCLA, Berkeley, U Michigan, U Virginia, and so many more!!


Mini College Essay Workshop On- Demand


Transform Your College Application Essay

Are you ready to make your college application stand out?

Our exclusive GET STARTED! Mini College Essay Workshop On-Demand is designed to help students start crafting compelling, standout essays that capture the attention of admissions officers.

  • Beat the Deadline
  • Get Ahead of the Competition
  • Proven Formula for Success

What to expect:

  • Comprehensive Overview: Understand what makes a college essay successful.
  • Brainstorming Ideas: Discover unique angles and topics that reflect your individuality.
  • Drafting the Essay: Utilize our proven formula to structure and write a compelling first draft.

Silver Package

$2897 (39K VALUE)

For The Student Applying To UCs and Top 100 Colleges

  • 5-Day Personal Essay Coach (5K Value) 
  • 30 hours of LIVE Instruction (15K Value)
  • 6-8 Topics Drafted with Personalized Feedback.
  • 3-4 Essays Completed (8K Value)
  • 100+ Sample Essays (1K Value)

BONUS 1: UC & Common App Success Package (5K Value)

  • 40+ Sample Winning Essays to Top 100 Colleges.
  • How to leverage and complete the UC and Common Application.
  • UC Case Studies
  • Top 100 Case Studies

BONUS 2: How To Earn MONEY $$ (5K Value

  • Financial Aid & Scholarship video tutorials.

Recommended For Students Who Are:

  • Applying to colleges that admit 40% or fewer of their applicant pool.
  • Applying to a combination of Common App colleges and Non-CA Public universities.

Total Value: 39K

Your Price: $2897


“Dr. C’s bootcamp was a life-saver. I knew I was a motivated student but writing was never my forte, and I definitely needed some guidance. After five days with the awesome team, I left the camp with SEVEN essays and felt more confident in knowing how to write for college applications. Throughout her process I learned so much about myself and how to express that through my applications, as well. Everything I learned in this camp helped me get to where I am now!”

Jules C., Class of 2021 - Mt. Kisco, NY - Cornell University, Class of 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

“Dr. Colón is full of knowledge, passion, energy, and heart. She genuinely cares for her students and helps them to explore their uniqueness and guides them to bring their stories to life. My oldest daughter came out of Essay BootCamp with countless essays, which she used for over 30 supplements. Soon after, we signed up her younger sister and the results were just as impressive. My girls are very different; nonetheless, they both gained insights to the essay and the application process. As a result, both of my girls were accepted into their top colleges with exceptional merit scholarships!!”

Denise B., Parent, Class of 2021 & 2023 - Brooklyn, NY

Alexandra, College of the Holy Cross, Class of 2025