Season 8 Episodes 170-185
How did this student fight his way off of the waitlist from the nation's largest applicant pool?
How did this Justice-pursuing student honed her ideal college list?
What advice would this mechanical engineer-in training offer?
This future Aerospace Engineer knows what he likes and doesn't look back!
Where will this gymnast be flipping over to in the fall?
Which powerhouse school did this Cali girl abandon the Golden state for?
This college sports fan wants relationships with his professors. Where will he choose?
This college was love at first sight for Jolene - what WAS that spark that hooked her?
Mira has family - and options - on both coasts. Which coast will win her heart?
Owen loves E-sports and engineering and has ALL of the choices! Which college will steal his heart?
This future STEM major wants to keep making music. Which campus will she bring her gifts to?
Whiich college will this budding entrepreneur bring his business sense?
This Business major is seeking a Work Hard, Play Hard environment
This Literature lover is deciding between colleges all over the state of CA. Where will she land?
This accomplished dancer has a passion for immigration rights and MANY top schools to choose form. Where will she dance off to?
This Biology loving musician wants to surround himself with internship opportunities. Where will he choose?
The best time to start planning for college is yesterday - the second best TODAY!